-:Model paper :-
M3-R4: Programming & problem solving through 'C' language

1. Question Paper in English and Hindi and Candidate can choose any one language.

2. In case of discrepancies in language, English version will be treated as final.

3. There are TWO PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FIVE questions.

4. PART ONE is to be answered in the OMR ANSWER SHEET only, supplied with the
question paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book.
5. Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates, who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE.

TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS                                                                     TOTAL MARKS: 100  (PART ONE – 40; PART TWO – 60) 

  (Answer all the questions) 

1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.                                               (1x10)

1.1 An unintialized pointer in c is called ?

A) NULL pointer
B) wild pointer
C)dangling pointer
D) blank pointer

1.2  indirection operator

A) *`
B) .
C) |
D) ->

1.3 find output x = 15 % 4 / 1 * 6 ;

A)  * % = /
B) % / * =
C) * / % =
D) / % *  =

1.4 find output
int arr[3] = { 4 };

A)  4 ,4 ,4
B) 4 , 0 ,0
C) 4 , garbage , garbage
D) garbage , garbage , garbage

1.5 which of the following is not a valid variable name declartion

A) int s= 2.15 ;
B) float s= 2.5 ;
C) # define s 2.5;
D) both a & c

1.6 The process of repeating a group of statments in an algorithm is known as

A) switch
C) iteration

1.7 What is range of char data value

A) -128 to 127
B)  0 to 255
C) 0 to 65535
D) none of the above

1.8 Which types of error checked during compilation.

A) logical error
B) syntax error
C) both a & b
D) none of the above

1.9 Recursion is sometimes called

A) procedure
B) complex definition
C) circular defination
D) none of the above

1.10 The index value for an array of size x ranges ?

A) 0 to x
B)  0 to x - 1
C) 1 to x
D) 0 to x + 1
For video answer click here

2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)

2.1 Size of the array need not be specified,when intializatio is a part of definition.

2.2 Value of EOF is 0.

2.3 by default a float number printf number of digits after decimal is 4

2.4 Size of double is 4 byte.

2.5 s ! = 10 is valid shorthand operator.

2.6 using strrev() function string can be reverse in same char array ..

2.7 semicolon is used in define macro.

2.8 is struct is user defined data type..

2.9 A  pointer that is pointing to nothing is called NULL pointer.

2.10 LIFO menas last in first out.

For video answer click here

 4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the “OMR” answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein. (1x10)
A   algorithm
B   malloc()
C   putw();
D  flowchart
E      3
F    calloc()
G    stdio.h
H     fputc()
I     derived
J     tokens
K      2
L     garbage
M  singal quates

4.1 I/O function prototype and macros are defined in  which header file.

4.2  Takes one argumant and not clear memory...........

4.3 write a integer in file function is used ...........

4.4 Function ........... writes a character in file .

4.5 indivisual units , text of a passage known as ..............

4.6 Charcter constant should be enclosed between.................

4.7 A pointer variable contains ..................until it is intialized

4.8 array is  ...........data type.

4.9 output of 14 % 4 ......................

4.10 tool ............. is used  for program diagram

For video answer click here

                                PART TWO
             ( Answer any four questions )

5. (a) How do you mean by macro in c ? explain using suitable program.
  (b) Write a program to print reverse a string using recursion.
(c) write a program to insert a element in a desire position in an array    (5+5+5)

6.(a) Write a  prograam to store a book details in file and print details from same file.
( b) Explain in brifily :-
  ( i)break vs continue
  ( ii ) if else Vs switch.                                                                                                                           (5+5+5)

7. Illustrate the different between...
     (a)  what is command line argument? explain with example

   (b) write a program to find no of vowels in a string using switch statment and string    pass  as argument in function.
(c) write a program to sort  name in  dictionary order (5+5+5)

8. define any three
   (i)  storage classes in c
   (ii)  structure Vs Union
    (iii) what is loop ? and how while loop deffrent from do while?

    (iv) Dynamic memory allocation (DMA)                 (5+5+5)

9. (a) What is a file in c ? discuss any five file  function available in c?
  (b) Write a program to delete a node of begning from linklist ?  (7+8)

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